CH Beaugency Bouzy Rouge (Jake)

dob 3:12:1988 - 1996
Sire: Baldslow Kano  
Dam: Ch Baldslow Leidy of Beaugency

Winner of 2 Best Puppy in Show at all breed CH Shows

Top Puppy 1989                   
Best Fawn Dog 1989

Winner of the Lesley Vernon Memorial Trophy for Best Briard 1989

Runner up overall for the UK Pick of Litter Competition 1989

BIS & BPIS at BA Open Show (Scotland) 1989
Best Dog & BOS BA Open Show 1990

This boy was the love of my life. He won so much as a youngster, I cannot list it all. He became a Champion at the age of 17 months He is the Junior Warrant record holder for the breed under the old system winning 97 JW points in all. The total needed was 25 gained within one year, which he won within just one and a half months!

An utter gentleman, taken from us before his time.